Epiphany #1 - My parents are not perfect?!
Hard to believe, I know. Are they not stunning?
They raised my siblings and me with positive self-esteem, confidence, morals, plenty of Lucky Charms, and Spaghetti O's. The oh-so-typical American family I would not trade for the world.
It was not until I began to think for myself that I realized I would handle situations differently than they did. In the moment of realizing my parents are people - with struggles, biases, stubbornness, bad hair days, and stains on their clothes - I found friends. My parents went from perfect parents, to imperfect treasures. They are a wealth of wisdom, strength, support, and love. It is not a negative realization, rather an amazing opportunity to learn more about each as individuals and learn to love them in new, more real ways. - God bless you.
Epiphany #2 - There are immature adults?!
The difficult member during group projects...
The judgmental high school girls...
The kid who always asked what grade you got on the test...
The cheaters...
Yup! In the workplace, through mutual friends, or at the grocery store, these groundhogs pop in and out of your life. I was amazed to discover after leaving college that I did not leave these stereotypical personalities behind. Upon receiving a diploma, did we not also receive common sense? A bit more wisdom? Some compassion? Self-motivation?
Nope! Instead we are given the great opportunity to perfect ourselves in the way we deal with these characters. To all those people who provide me with this opportunity - God bless you.
Epiphany #3 - Work to Live or Live to Work?!
At a hotel room in Orlando, Florida I was notified my mother's cancer was inoperable and not curable. I had another day and an entire flight home to determine whether my 60+ hr/wk job and weekly travel was worth the sacrifices I had made in my life:
- My family relationships
- My spirituality
- My friendships
- Community Involvement
- Travel
My perspective changed from desiring the satisfaction of a prominent and successful career to desiring a well-rounded, enriched life. Success could no longer be defined by salary - how often do we try to force the triangle to fit inside the square before giving in? Success is my level of happiness - I work to live and for those who do the same - God bless you.
What epiphanies do we receive throughout life?
I started with three, although there are many more. You may have learned the same lesson at an older or younger age. You may have yet to learn the above. What are your favorite epiphanies?
How do they change our perspectives, and lifestyles?
I am happy to say each epiphany has increased my understanding of the world. Some may say I lead a sheltered life but I believe, regardless of the great American childhood, you are bound to open your eyes - is it not interesting that we close our eyes even tighter right before we sneeze?
I have had a few epiphanies over the years, algebra suddenly making sense, the realization that life makes more sense when you know ALL the facts, etc. The most worthy to share happened in one moment with such deep understanding that I may never be able to fully explain it, but I will try... for you.
I found peace in and instant. I wasn't really looking for it, it was just there and I knew it. It was the Advent Season, so I am sure peace was on my mind in some dimension. I was overwhelmed with work, family, the toy drive, and some really ugly feelings. At Mass I heard the words "worthless anxieties" and at once felt weightless. I couldn't even concentrate on the remaining words of the prayers becaue I was so uplifted. I started looking inward for my anxieties - and they weren't there! I tried to bring them back up, knowing how terribly much I carried onmy shoulders - nowehere to be found. I wanted to laugh. I didn't have the words to thank God for guiding me toward what was there all along, but I knew it was that peace of Christ I was "sharing" with those around me right at that moment.
I'm not going to go so far as to say that I have never swayed back into self-pity or unnecessary concern, but I will say that as soon as I do, I am able to go back in and smile at the gift of peace that is within me and make the day great again.
I just encourage you to take a deep look - it is there, it doesn't overwhelm, it makes you feel lighter and more beautiful, and others see it in you and like you - even if they don't know why:)
my #1 epiphany came last semester: no u-turns in my life.
i will not go back to living for the future, ignoring the present and all its blessings. truly, nothing could be more meaningful than making the most of everyday for the glory of God. it sound so cliche, but i'm willing to be the cliche if it means changing my actions and already seeing the benefits of doing so.
my final thoughts:
"day-by-day. day-by-day. oh, dear Lord, three things i pray:
to see Thee more clearly, love thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly,
So funny you chose that song....
That is the song I chose when having to give a witness on discipleship many years ago.
your comments are comforting and affirming!
Love you,
a. jenna
in response to the responses i have received verbally or via email... or perhaps you are just thinking it, too:
yes, i am biologically related to the woman in the picture. she is my mother. we have looked alike my entire life. hard to believe, i know :)
Firstly, your parents = way cute!
Kate, nice epiphanies. And might I say I too have had those realizations at various times. I tend to be one who has epiphanies quite frequently. Maybe like gray hairs, they come with age.
Regardless, I have to say I've had one epiphany that is the most obvious, but is a major part of my life right now, and that is, there's no more searching for my soul mate. I have found him, or better yet, we found each other. For years I have always wondered if I would get married, if I even wanted to get married, if there really was a guy out there for me, and if so, he had to have it all right, which is impossible. Then all of a sudden, BOOM, there he is right in front of me and I didn't know what to do. After a very short time it hit me, this was him, the guy, the one, and the epiphany hit: I'm never going to go on a first date again. Or see the end of a relationship. Or wonder who "the guy" is going to be. It about blew me over. And can I just say...it's amazing.
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