
Déjà Vu?

A smell, a familiar feeling, another lifetime - or are we just moving in circles?

Hollywood - celebrities of today look to yesterday to find what is glamorous, chic, classy, and stunning. The wheel of fashion has always spun round despite any desperate attempt to keep particular items from resurfacing. A few months ago it would have been going too far to predict The New Kids on the Block would regroup... but that wheel never fails to surprise.

Mr. Postman - The friendly postman's greatest fear was always the vicious dog. Or now, is it the raising gas prices? Is it interesting to see more postmen parking their post-mobiles and walking from house to house, or is that a familiar Leave It To Beaver rerun?

Glass bottles - I enjoy my father's stories of growing up with eight children in the house and every week having the milkman deliver milk on their back step in glass bottles. Is it so far from his reality that I have replaced the plastic gallon of milk in my own fridge with the trendy and oh-so-healthier glass jar?

I can't help but think the more we find out about the world (and perhaps ourselves), the more we look for resolution in the way things used to be. What else should we expect to come full (or even half/partial) circle?


Please Pass the Salt!

Food is delicious.
Without it we would be... well, malnourished and hungry.
When planning meals, we begin with the main dish - chicken or steak? veggies or fish? Couple that with a side dish - arugula or asparagus? salad or potatoes? A delicious beverage - water or milk? red or white?

Do we plan the meal will need salt, or is it a result of a disaster? Are you one of those who salts everything before even tasting? (do me a favor and check your blood pressure...)

Salt is the ultimate seasoning and preservative! Veggies too bland? *shake *shake - BAM! Deliciousness. So this magic shaker got me thinking...

How often are we planning the main dish; looking for the next big thing in our lives? Do we take the time to enjoy the salty moments, the smallest yet tastiest daily interactions that make us sigh in delight? ...What is the salt of our lives?

to share a few of my more saltier moments:
quotes on tea bags, fall colors, the clipping sound my shoes make on my bike, a whistling tea kettle, a full tank of gas..

Sigh! Who knew there could be so many joy filled moments? When i stopped to taste the salt, I realized how plentiful it is. All these salty splendors made for quite a week!

So from now on, I say... Please Pass the Salt!