
Déjà Vu?

A smell, a familiar feeling, another lifetime - or are we just moving in circles?

Hollywood - celebrities of today look to yesterday to find what is glamorous, chic, classy, and stunning. The wheel of fashion has always spun round despite any desperate attempt to keep particular items from resurfacing. A few months ago it would have been going too far to predict The New Kids on the Block would regroup... but that wheel never fails to surprise.

Mr. Postman - The friendly postman's greatest fear was always the vicious dog. Or now, is it the raising gas prices? Is it interesting to see more postmen parking their post-mobiles and walking from house to house, or is that a familiar Leave It To Beaver rerun?

Glass bottles - I enjoy my father's stories of growing up with eight children in the house and every week having the milkman deliver milk on their back step in glass bottles. Is it so far from his reality that I have replaced the plastic gallon of milk in my own fridge with the trendy and oh-so-healthier glass jar?

I can't help but think the more we find out about the world (and perhaps ourselves), the more we look for resolution in the way things used to be. What else should we expect to come full (or even half/partial) circle?


Anonymous said...

i think some decisions, especially regarding the family unit, have driven society into a downward spiral (look at the pornography industry, redefinition of marriage, unloved children, sexual abuse, etc).. here's hoping we can return society to a state where we respect the family, our neighbors, and our lives - maybe Leave It To Beaver times weren't as bad as we thought now that we see worse evils than... well, black and white tv.

Anonymous said...

ROMANTIC LOVE SCENES: Wouldn't it be great if movies today would take a lesson from "old movies" in their love scenes. Where you feel their love by the way they look at each other...then the actors walk into a bedroom yet you are left waiting at the door with all of your feelings of love rushing to your heart. Call me old fashion, a prude, a romantic or if you can come up with another name go for it...BUT I will take that wonderful feeling of love over watching sexcapades anyday. Full circle - I'm ready - let me know the name of the movie and I'm there!!

NEIGHBORS: Remember when people sat on their front porch because it was very warm that day and they needed relief from the heat of their house. Kids would be playing in the sprinklers outside and parents would be on the porch talking to the neighbors or someone taking a walk. Ok, you may have to be older than Katelin to remember this but people didn't have as much of a problem; meeting Mr/Mrs right, making friends, feeling safe because they know who lives next door, plus people had plenty of practice speaking in full sentences without initials - OMG it was amazing! Let's conserve that energy and turn off the TV, computer and AC - Alright, I do live in WI again - I'll wait until spring:o)

Dauvit Balfour said...

I love the land. I think that's something we've lost. Whittaker Chambers talks about it in Witness. I love all of creation, the people most of all, but people are capable of great evil. The hills and plans, grasses and trees, the snow and the sun and the wind blowing its way slowly across barren ridges, whipping the fallen leaves into an autumn dance, those bear no man malice, and I love them for that. Nostalgia for times gone by, time when life was simpler, more beautiful, when the land was wide and free and the people were less trapped by themselves and their selfishness... that nostalgia some would say is misplaced, they would say those times never existed. Perhaps, but perhaps it is noble to aspire to days gone by. When we look around us and see the corruption and evil that permeates the world, why would we not long for something different. History is often seen through rosy glasses, sure, and good was no more universal then, than evil is universal now. Still, some part of the romantic burns in me, unquenched by the cynicism I learned in college. I doubt we shall ever find our way back to a past ideal, but perhaps we could find our way back to God and to Love?

Talia said...

although i wish with all of my heart that people would have porches and front porch swings, i don't see it happening. :-( with the world the way it is, people are too busy, in too much danger in their neighborhoods, too cynical, and/or too scared to go beyond text messages and email to actually meet real people!

i do hope that we see a full return of pillow polo, because that was truly an amazing game!

what about station wagons? can we not engineer a hot new one for this era?

i see a return of courtship. although there are still players out there, there are more people willing to take life slowly and actually pursue another person out of genuine love for them as their brother or sister first. at some point, the world was "simpler," and men were expected to court a woman instead of hook up with her. i think some deja vu action there would be lovely.

Stephanie said...

There are many things that should come back around ... especially in the healthcare arena.

One thing would be for people to take care of their bodies, and not immediately jumping to drug therapy to cure all their problems, especially the ones that are just inconvenient. Don't get me wrong, there is of course a place for drug therapy, but there are complimentary and alternative therapeutic modalities we need to understand and revisit!

To name just a few more: Using essential oils, eating healthy, eating slowly, eating around the dinner table, eating fresh, unprocessed, whole foods from local gardens where the food isn't drenched in pesticides, waxes and hormones. (Same with eating animals.) These resides are brought into our bodies by what we eat, breathe and put on, and they are toxic. Lets hear it for preventative health care!

For better or worse, we are a constantly changing people, and to accommodate, I think we need to bring back what was good, but also embrace the good that comes with modernization.

That being said, I like the glass milk bottles too! And yes, glass IS better than plastic.

mark who? said...

I love these traditionalist ideals and desires of courtship. I really believe that we had some sort of role reversal in our society. I see it very prevalent in the retail industry. The women (in my furniture sales experience) have totally dominated the decision in a lot of my sales. Granted, a lot of the buying nowadays is directdly related to style (and women definately relate more to style), it seems men take a passive role in the decision making. I am not trying to say that women make bad decisions, but it seems that there are factors (i.e. feminist movement, contraceptive revolution) that are leaving the men a little stranded and a little submissive/passive. But the ironice nature is that i really dont think that women want their men passive according to a lot of the chivalric responses given in this blog. I believe that there needs to be an adaption to the modern times with a chilvalric desire, and that the family needs to be a compliment of both the man and the woman's needs. Is this where this blog was intended to go? i am a man of the land and love camping. Maybe we should live in tents and cook fires and roast chickens and marshmallows.