Without it we would be... well, malnourished and hungry.
When planning meals, we begin with the main dish - chicken or steak? veggies or fish? Couple that with a side dish - arugula or asparagus? salad or potatoes? A delicious beverage - water or milk? red or white?
Do we plan the meal will need salt, or is it a result of a disaster? Are you one of those who salts everything before even tasting? (do me a favor and check your blood pressure...)
Salt is the ultimate seasoning and preservative! Veggies too bland? *shake *shake - BAM! Deliciousness. So this magic shaker got me thinking...
How often are we planning the main dish; looking for the next big thing in our lives? Do we take the time to enjoy the salty moments, the smallest yet tastiest daily interactions that make us sigh in delight? ...What is the salt of our lives?
to share a few of my more saltier moments:
quotes on tea bags, fall colors, the clipping sound my shoes make on my bike, a whistling tea kettle, a full tank of gas..
Sigh! Who knew there could be so many joy filled moments? When i stopped to taste the salt, I realized how plentiful it is. All these salty splendors made for quite a week!
So from now on, I say... Please Pass the Salt!
The salts of life...when you smile at a little baby in front of you in the grocery line and he/she SMILES BACK!!
When you are riding your bike on a trail and the person passing you says hello first!!
When things get in the way of you taking a family picture and your kids surprise you with group pictures of themselves!! (parents don't really want to be in the picture)
Or those spicy smells that remind you of a different time...cutting grass...walking past a bakery while they are baking...bubble gum...turkey in the oven...yum!
Thanks Kate, for reminding us about those little salty things that make our day SWEET!!
fr. paul (in indy) just spoke about taking time to enjoy the "banquets of life" that God grants us daily. your post has been a great reminder of that homily - thanks!
a few of my "salts":
*smelling fresh laundry or a library (sigh)
*seeing a packer win w/my sis AT the holy land
*teaching someone (a student, perhaps) something and watching them realize their potential
*loving someone or something (even if short-lived) unconditionally
Ah, the salt of the earth!
-Asking my students how they are doing and getting amazing answers to a question they may not get all day. I've learned so much about them this way!
-Hearing "good job" and seeing good sports while playing sports
-How a baby squeezes his/her hand when you put your finger in it (this reflex has a name but I'm not sure what it is)
-smiles and laughter
-Seeing a soaring hawk or eagle
-watching snow or leaves fall to the ground
-the sound of the ocean (no pun intended)
-many more! Thanks for the reminder to stop and smell the roses!!!
Ahh, the sweetness of salt:
The first sip of hot chocolate.
Still having some room in the garbage bag, so you don't have to take the trash out until tomorrow.
Seeing someone wear either an Indiana or Green Bay clothing item (in Colorado).
Getting to pet a dog.
Waking up to snow.
Good times. : )
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