Man... when I think back on those days.
I was fast.
I was strong.
I was invincible.
I was strong.
I was invincible.
So I took the challenge - one day of reliving the glory days...
It took three minutes on the treadmill to realize I can't run the 7 minute mile pace without training anymore.
It took one run in with a goalie to realize I am not as big as he is.
It took a half a flight of stairs to recognize air is a precious thing.
My conclusion... I should pack away the glory days with the pictures and worry about what is in front of me:
the injuries of reliving the glory days
Athletically speaking, that's why it helps to never have had glory days in the first place. I mean, what am I gonna do? Relive the glory of being cut from my 10th grade basketball team?
Or maybe it's a good thing that my glory days were in my 20s...that's when I finally played a lot of soccer, flag football, competitive dodgeball and kickball. And when I got my most severe sports injury.
But even those days, like my 20s, are rapidly coming to a close.
if only i had a picture of when my head was busted open by my louisville-slugger-sister...and i got, "FIVE stitches everyone!!!!!"
or when two girls dominated the soccer teamssssss. yes, "team" is plural.
or when i ran the mini and my knees didn't fall off.
but especially my one-year stint as the homecoming queen ... until a certain younger sister overthrew me and took the throne!
p.s. i can't come back to your blog until you add a post, because i cannot get bruce springsteen out of my head!!!!!
Just heard this song last week and found myself smiling at the lyrics. Nice work Kate! But yes, once you hear this song, it's in your heads for a week.
Nice war wounds you got there lady! I haven't had any like that in awhile. But I will say, as I approach my 27th birthday this year, it allows me to rethink my glory days. And also wonder how it's possible that I will actually be in my "late" 20s. Time flies, but life gets better and more enjoyable with each passing year. The glory days were great, but what's ahead looks fantastic!
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