
A Love/Hate Relationship

For those who have justly experienced Madison, you will recognize the snow-smothered terrace tables overlooking lake Mendota.

For some this picture brings anxiety and fear. For others, relief; they do not have to de-ice the car, bundle the face, or chapstick the lips.

And yet for others in mind, it brings excitement and joy and a world of activities the summer just cannot offer. Such as kite flying on a frozen lake, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, chili cook-offs, ice fishing, tea in front of a fire...

I have found no middle ground. People either love the winter, or hate it.
Are you in a love or hate relationship?

Those who experience both extremes within the season are perhaps distracted at first. The beautiful first fallen snow, the 4WD adventures, the stimulation of a new season, the anticipation of holidays the snow brings with it. Does this love endure? Or do the countless car-thaws, ice falls, wind-chills below zero, and frozen gasoline tanks turn us quickly into the greenest grinch?


Stephanie said...

I love the winter! There's nothing better than snuggling up in front of a fire, sipping on some hot chocolate! Or watching a live football game, bundled up in a flannel blanket.

So, I very much enjoy the cold and snow. But when the end of the season comes, I'm ready for it to be over. Kind of like eating too much pizza in one sitting.

The Artistic Mercenary™ said...

I love all of the seasons, and I love the changing of the seasons. It always brings refreshing variety. However, winter used to be my least favorite season. Year after year I found myself at war with winter—the cold temperatures, the bad driving conditions, the blankets of snow that uniform a city.

But over the last couple years I've warmed up to winter. No longer did I war with it, instead I accepted it for what it was. And this year, suddenly and miraculously (like the rest of my life this past year), I've found myself not just accepting but embracing the season. Never before has it been so cold, so early here (two nights ago we broke a record low of -18), and never before have I loved it so much. Granted, more than the seasons are reason for my attitude. ;-)

So I say bring on winter! And come March bring on Spring! Give me the seasons in all their glory!

Talia said...


need i say more? brrrrr...

The Artistic Mercenary™ said...


Not all related to this post, but appropriate considering the Monday night matchup.

Anonymous said...

If honesty is the policy of this blog, I must admit that winter is not my favoriate season. However...

As a kid, I lived near a park with an ice rink - spent every free moment ice skating - the faster the better.

As a teen, I started dating an incredible guy during the winter of '75. We enjoyed "tubbing" down snow covered hills - the faster the better.

As an adult, my exercise of choice was running. Some neighborhood friends and I would get up at 6am and run. How magical the dark sky with a multitude of stars looked every morning. IF we were lucky the big flakes would fall. The crisp air was invigorating and caused us to run faster than we ever did in summer:o)

I guess I need to find my new winter sport - possibly cross-country skiing - maybe I'll slow down a bit and enjoy the view...nah, the faster the better.

Winter isn't so bad, again.

Talia said...

ugh...marms, seriously? winter is the devil...even if cleveland park rocks!