
All Dogs go to Heaven?

You may think I am keeping it light, but I have found people are passionate about their pets..

Are pets capable of loving?
Many people love their pets, but do pets love in return? They are beings capable of great obedience and affection - in some ways we as humans could take some lessons! However, what would differentiate humans from other beings if not - love? If we are the only species capable of exchanging love, are we kidding ourselves with pets, or do we understand they are a means of affection and therefore are fulfilling in our lives?

Do all dogs go to heaven?
Will we see our pets in heaven and live with them eternally? Many people feel their pets are a member of the family - some pets lasting over a decade. If they have such a great stake in our family memories, perhaps a place at the dinner table (or under the dinner table), do they have a place by our side in heaven, too?


Talia said...

the day that benji and/or lassie get a soul is the day they can eat under my table in heaven. :-)

Bob Thompson said...

I think pets can be pleasant to have, definitely a comfort in this world, but I don't think they have a place outside of this world.

Stephanie said...

Will there be animals in heaven? Sure. Our earthly pets? My guess...most likely not. Unfortunately. But maybe if we pray really really hard... ;)

Unknown said...

Bluepurr, the best cat in the whole wide world is definitely in heaven. He's been my cat for 19 years and he's seen me and my family through all the good and bad times in life. Early this morning we had to let him go. He's been sick for a few weeks now and we rushed him in to town so that we could make him comfortable. I know he's in heaven. There is no question for me. How could God bring something so wonderful into this world that offers us so much love and affection, only to not allow them to experience the joys of heaven? They have given of themselves so much and God has a special place for them.